Overheard at the nail salon just at the start of summer:
Friend 1: Are you taking a summer vacation?
Friend 2: My family and I are going to the beach.
Friend 1: Oh, I wish I could go to the beach too, but I don’t have a bathing suit body.

What does that mean? I have been thinking about this comment for over a month now. In that time, I have been lucky enough to enjoy several days at the beach. With this comment stuck in my thoughts, I have been observing the beach goers. I have witnessed people of all ages, genders, shapes, and sizes, alone and with groups of others, in the water and on the sand, building sand castles, reading, talking, eating, playing games, floating, swimming, and more. People wear all sorts of clothing, some hardly anything at all and some covered head to toe and everything in between. I don’t know if they are comfortable in their bodies or not, but lots of people seem to be enjoying themselves.
My hope is to inspire more people to stop waiting to live and to enjoy life now no matter how they feel about their body! I searched online to find inspiration to share with you. Below you will see my favorite finds.
Here is a really fun video that reminds us that our own self-esteem and body confidence should not be connected to an unhealthy and oppressive cultural drive for thinness and body perfection:
Fat shaming is a subtle and judgmental way that we put ourselves and others down. Here is a great article that reminds us not to judge:
Here is some body positive swimwear fashion advice for plus size women, complete with online resources for shopping:
Enjoy your summer no matter what you chose to wear! ☀ ☀ ☀